Monday, September 7, 2009

August 24th - Shale Lake to Ollalie Lake

Woke up an hour later than usual today. It was freezing cold and there was frost on the ground. Neither of us wanted to get out of our warm sleeping bags.

The first several miles were quite boring, but eventually the woods opened up and we came to beautiful meadows with views of Mt. Jefferson up close. We saw a ton of dayhikers - even with it being a weekday. There must be a trailhead close by. We could definitely see why the place was popular - the views were amazing!

We huffed and puffed our way up to a high ridge. Funny how we felt out of shape since we have recently been doing very little elevation gains/losses (compared to what we had done previousing in California). We were greeted at the top by our first views of Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Helens. Were were thrilled to see both of those mountains - knowing that we were getting closer to home.

Met a section hiker, Dan, from Bellingham, WA who hiked with us several miles. We are always impressed when the section hikers can keep up with our pace.

Found a trail magic sign when we hit Ollalie Lake promising hot dogs, soda, beer, fruit, and smores if we walked 1 mile down to the campground. We couldn't resist the trail magic, so we walked the 1 mile. Met former 2008 PCT thru-hiker Andrew (aka Dandy)and his girlfriend Jo who were the lovely trail angels providing "magic". Dan arrived soon after us. We were talked into staying the night with promises of pancakes and Stumptown coffee in the morning. Had a great rest of the evening chatting about all kinds of random topics. Thanks Dandy and Jo for the wonderful trail magic. We are glad we stopped and stayed the night!


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