Saturday, August 1, 2009

August 2nd - Castella to Trinity Divide Saddle

Some thunderstorms rolled in overnight. Luckily we had the tent already set up and we were dry inside. It was nice to hear rain lightly pattering on the tent. The rain came and went throughout the night.

Woke up to a dry tent though. It was still muggy, but at least the temperature had dropped a bit and the skies were cloudy.

Packed up and headed back out on the trail before the rest of the hikers awoke. We had a long uphill climb in the morning. It was so humid we were both dripping in sweat. Fortunatel, the coulds eventually blew over and we got on a ridge. Had a nice breeze which kept the humidity and temps down. The scenery was gorgeous as well - such a change from the last several days. Today was actually pleasant. Amazing how weather and scenery can make all the difference.

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