Saturday, August 1, 2009

August 8th - Marble Valley Guard Station to Seiad Valley

Another enjoyable day of hiking through Marble Mountain Wilderness. Lots of views while traversing mountainsides. Still enjoying the cooler temps.

Ran into an interesting young couple with a baby... and 12 goats! Guess they had been wandering around in the woods for the last month. they thought we were strange because we matched - packs, pants, poles, shirt, etc. Well we thought they were strange too with their 12 goats and baby without a diaper. To each their own.

The last 65 miles into Seiad Valley was a road walk. Ugh! fortunatley part of the road ran along the Klamath River - the first major river we've seen on the trail. We enjoyed watching the ducks race upstream and the hightlight was seeing a black bear swim across the river. Very cool!

Rolled into town just as the sun was setting. 32 miles by 8:30pm. Not too shabby. got a piece of dirt with straw to pitch a tent on at the local RV park. I'm pooped so time to hit the hay... literally.


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