Monday, September 7, 2009

September 4th – Chinook Pass to Road Laced Crest Saddle

Woke up to fairly clear skies. Dawn greeted us with a dream-like sky filled with orange tinted clouds surrounded by bits of blue. Couldn’t tell if the color of the sky meant we were in for good weather, bad weather, or if we were still asleep.
As luck would have it, the skies cleared and we hiked until noon with beautiful blue skies. Great views of Rainier as we hiked along a ridge just east of Crystal Mountain ski resort. I love seeing that glaciated peak. Forgot how grand it is.
I’m getting sick of eating tuna wrapped in a tortilla shell. After this trip, I will not eat tuna for a very long time. Four months of tuna for lunch has ruined my taste for the chicken of the sea.

Sometime around 4:30, we arrived at Government Meadows and found a group of thru-hikers resting on the porch of a large cabin/shelter. We chatted with them for a bit and found out that our friends Sarbar and Hoosierdaddy were visiting the shelter just hours earlier. They came by to drop off snacks, beer, sodas and other random trail magic. Dang! Running into them would’ve been fun. Thanks for the trail magic though! All of us thru-hikers really appreciated it!

Cooked dinner at the shelter then moved on 7.5 more miles to our home for the evening. Drizzle started as we got the tent set up. I hope we don’t have bad rain tomorrow.


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